What's Moxie?

Moxie is a project created by Airstack, an API provider for blockchain and Farcaster data.

Its purpose is to "grow the Farcaster GDP", and it does that through a novel token mechanism that rewards interactions on the protocol.

Moxie also includes a mechanism called Fan tokens. These tokens are tied to a profile, and auctioned away at a later date. Owning the fan tokens of a profile lets you get a share of their rewards.

Earning Moxie

Is not that easy if you're not an established account. The process is fair, but slow.

It's based on your overall reputation, so the number of followers, likes, and who interacts with you matters. To bump these metrics up you need to be online and grow your profile.

What if you could earn in a more passive way, not having to post or stay all day online?

That's where Frames come in. If you have a cool idea you can create one in a few minutes, post it to Warpcast or any Farcaster client. People will interact with it, earning you Moxie!

Creating Frames to earn Moxie

Frames can also generate everyday rewards for the creator — but the nice thing about Frames is that they can go viral and take on a life of their own, where people who like your Frame will constantly share and promote it.

You focus on creating interesting Frames and let other users do the promotion, earning you Moxie non stop for each unique user clicking at least one button in your Frame.


Farming Moxie with your Frames.

Open FrameTrain

#1. Get your Airstack API key by creating an account and opening this page.


#2. Create a new Frame on FrameTra.in, you can choose any of the available templates!

#3. Add your Airstack key by tapping the "Earn Moxie" button

Earn Moxie

#4. Publish your Frame on Warpcast (any Farcaster client works)

Publish ✨

#5. Profit! (Moxie, to be more specific)

Moxie Stats
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